The View From Wisconsin
Just a random set of rants from a Sports Fan from Wisconsin.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Long Weekend
What exactly is it about Dark Chocolate, Golden Caramel and Vanilla Nougat that just gets to me? I have no idea. Nor do I have much idea about the following things:
- The Detroit Red Wings continued succes, though everything in the supposed "New NHL" was geared towards teams like them from continuing to dominate the league.
- Why in the world I can't even buy a win in my fantasy simulation hockey league.
- Who is exactly going to win the Indy 500. Yeah, Danica would make a nice story, but it's likely someone in the front row is going to win it. 39 out of the 91 winners came from the front row; over half of the 91 winners (56) were in the front two rows.
- The Brewers Bullpen. Gagne's arm is officially shot (hey, Melvin: next time you wanna throw $10 million at someone with a bum arm, give ME a call); Turnbow is geting blasted down in Middle Tennessee; and the rest of the BP by committee looks like a bunch of pyromaniacs instead of a fire brigade.
- How the heck the Packers are going to perform in year one AF (After Favre). Two backups to press Aaron Rodgers in training camp... or is that two backups in case Rodgers gets hurt three plays into the season?
- Why people are so stressed over a silly prediction made in a sillier webcomic back on the 24th of January 2000. I mean really.