The View From Wisconsin

Just a random set of rants from a Sports Fan from Wisconsin.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Picking at an old wound

With the resignation of Steve Larmer from the NHLPA, you have to wonder about what exactly is going on in the NHLPA nowadays.

Larmer broached the "E" word when referring to the machinations of Ted Saskin and the PA's executive board. The move of hiring Saskin without a league-wide vote has been challenged with a suit filed by the NLRB - and it brings up an interesting question:

What exactly is in the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

The league and the PA haven't made the agreement known to the general public, which seems to indicate that the whole thing is still in the "cocktail napkin" stage, and not a real, live document.

One of the Leafs' broadcasters mentioned on yesterday's broadcast that the players may have brought on their problems themselves - not really asking or questioning what the PA has been telling them, because they're more interested in playing hockey than doing the "business" stuff.

That's a scary observation - first of all, it's a damning statement, blaming the players for everything, but secondly because of what it means. Namely, there could be another situation that would lead to an Eagleson-like figure taking over the PA.

That would be reason enough to sue that the PA didn't follow its rules in hiring Saskin.

I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that as soon as this CBA is done, the players will refuse to return to work until they get the ship righted back in their favor.

And that might happen three days before Hell freezes over.