The View From Wisconsin

Just a random set of rants from a Sports Fan from Wisconsin.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Us or Them

Thomas Sowell pointed out in a recent column of his what the real difference between liberalism and conservatives is: Liberals see the political system as an "us or them" proposition; if you aren't for what we stand for, you're against us. Conservatives see things in the light of "what's best for the most number of people."

This is one reason why the Democratic Party has painted itself into corners numerous times: when someone in the GOP comes up with a plan, it generally is something that would benefit a large number of people. The Democrats, because they believe that "anything the Republicans come up with is bad and evil," will automatically oppose it - even if it's the most ridiculous thing to oppose.

This pretty much explains why they absolutely hated the Contract with America from 1994. And, it explains why we've had a Republican in the White House for all but eight years in the last 25. Clinton's ability to try to sell himself as a man who's got ideas that will benefit a lot of people got people on his side in '92 and '96; however, no one on his own "side" believed a word of what he was saying. (In retrospect, they were right.)

I honestly don't believe that Hillary would be able to win the White House if she runs in '08, mostly because too many people that aren't Democrats don't trust her. That's another thing about the conservative side of the issue: with the exception of Iraq, there really isn't anything that the people in general don't trust W and compnay about.

In fact, that is the primary reason why we've had any Democrat in the Oval Office since Kennedy/LBJ: the people didn't trust the conservatives in office, and voted them out. That would be the tack the Dems could use in '08, but the problem is trying to convince people that they're trustworthy at the same time. Bubba did it, but that was because he was a bald-face liar. I don't think there's anyone in this crowd (so far) who could do it.

Just a thought for an early Thursday morning.